Monday, August 8, 2011

The Bad, The Ugly & The Good

Welp, 1st week is Lima is done!  >>phew!<< 
it was 0-90mph!  Monday I went to Intrax to touch base/meet local contact, Paula (pron: POW-Luh :)  very nice girl.  Tuesday was my 1st day at Euroidiomas; I observed a few classes, discussed a few things w/ Alejandra Gamarra Saldarriaga (director), & was given just one class. hmmm... BUT IT STARTED THE NEXT MORNING!  So they gave me the books & sent me on my way, ZEE-RO preparation/rules/expectations...NOTHING.  Then, after that it seemed like everytime I turned around they gave me another class! aaaahh  
By Friday I had 4 classes (including splitting a Saturday 9a-5p class w/ another instructor: a self proclaimed "Crazy-Grammar Lady" that wore lipstick like she just got done pushing a shopping-cart all night)
In total I have 30hrs IN CLASS...not to mention the prep..
Before I got here I read that Peruvians like to help as much and in as many ways as they have resources for. A type of self-esteem. This, so far, is very true!  All the teachers, if I so much as look sideways, will stop-drop-&-roll to explain...whatever! And even beyond that; they quit what they're doing & physically walk you there!
I asked Alejandra's secretary, Geraldina, a quick question, and next thing I knew she was walking me through the Inca markets, translating & bargaining for a sweater for me...on her lunch hour!

p.s.  it's freezing here...the 50's in the am/ pm. Daytime gets up in the 60's.
But this is PERU! what-the-heck!?

Ok 3 classes tomorrow~back to lesson planning!

1 comment:

  1. Wow em...that sounds wonderful. So glad you started writing again. Are all the classes english, or are you teaching other stuff as well? " where is the library. It's over there , are you on a hurry?". I remember that in French and because of Bonnie, in Spanish!
