It was s./8 to get in to see the doctors. <<For that I got to speak w/ a dentist & a dermatologist!
For s./10 more I got an X-Ray for my tooth.
(sorry, don't mean to be gross, just thought it was kinda cool getting an x-ray in a 3rd world country)
At s./140 I think the medicine for my feet is expensive (*& according to Marlene, this medicine in particular IS expensive here in Peru).
I'm not complaining thou... all that was s./158 ...which is like $58 US!!
Diagnosis: my tooth is healthy & 'beautiful' (pain was probably just from stress & clenching them in my sleep) AND my feet will be not stinky in a few weeks!
Have those you live with or teach had anything to say about your stinky feet? Do you perhaps have a new nickname? Do people step back when talking with you? They'll be so pleased when you're back to your sweet smelling self :-)