Monday, July 25, 2011

Almost to "Adios"

I'm about 96% of the way to saying goodbye to everyone in OH! 
          It is a rollercoaster!! 
Had a FANTASTIC cook-out Friday night, christening my parents new patio w/ it's 1st fiesta.  Lisa & Denis even camped in the front yard & hung out w/ the 'rents 1/2 the next day (think my parents are poaching my friends:)! 
Made it *by the skin of my teeth, to Anita's wedding on Saturday...had to (literally) shove the priest out of the way or else I would've walked her DOWN the asile!!   *so sorry about that one*
Hugged Alesha, my prima pregg-ito, goodbye at her babyshower Sunday
...and today Anne & Amanda swung thru for lunch on their way back from Chicago.
> phew <
I got some awesome things hangin around my neck now thou!

all I have left is to kiss my chiropractor & godsons goodbye.
...oh ya, and my parents  ;.(


  1. oooohhh Peru, I thought this was a bit extravagant for a 110 mile trip. But then again it is Em.

  2. HI Emily!!! Have a blast and a great adventure!!!!! Be safe :)

  3. Bon Voyage Emily. Think big, enjoy each day, make good decisions! We love you.
