Last night was this hap-hazard night-out, that just got weird.
It was a pre-planned night of chifa (Peruvian-Chinese food)& dancing for Anna-Louisa's birthday (Martin`s cousin) at El Jade. So as I'm all ready &waiting to leave, when apparently Marlene & Martin get in a big fight so now we're 2 hours late **in Peru, this is like being 5 minutes late & now Martin is staying home.
So anyways, we show up to what looks like a nursing-home-night-out & Anna-Louisa (who suffers from some type of bi-polar condition) has obviously over-dosed on her med's.
Also, what I thought was sangria OBVIOUSLY turned out to be just grape juice.
So I'm packing now..
Again actually, because I went to move to another place last week & after the guy said "ya, see ya tomorrow!" he never called me back the next day till like 10pm. seemed too odd so I bailed on that departmento.
I do love this family (*especially Alberto, the grandfather) & they have taken care of me the best they can, but it's definitely time to go...
Here's a few things I won't be missing:

- yes, those are the pans EVERYTHING is cooked in here

- that's me washing the shammy-cloth that is my bath towel in the sink...sooo, I am THAT dirty after a shower...imagine before...then add in that there's no water here 1/2 the time...
- meat in the freezer does not need to be wrapped...those chicken wings that are frozen to the shelf today are din-din tomorrow!!
- couldn't figure out the problem with the ironing board catching fire till I realized they had put the cover OVER the original plastic wrap
Ok... back to re-packing! My next apt. is about $100 more per month but it's just a 20 minute walk to work & 1 BLOCK from the ocean.